
26°C Air

21°C Water


The obligation to comply with the regulations and exclusion of the park liability

  • The proper use of the Aquapark Istralandia is available in Croatian, English Italian, German and Slovenian and is prominently displayed at the aqua park’s entrance.
  • Upon the purchase of the ticket and entering the park, the visitor is obliged to get acquainted with all of the provisions of this Ordinance and fully accept the rules of conduct and provisions within.
  • The visitor confirms the awareness that the use of all services and attractions of the aquapark is solely at own risk and responsibility, to include the awareness of the consequences arising from the violation of any provisions within this Ordinance.
  • The Management is not responsible for any injuries and /or damages caused by the visitor through his own carelessness, risky behavior, non-compliance with the restrictions, warnings and rules of conduct, and /or under the influence of alcohol.
  • The visitor is obliged to adhere to all of the notices displayed on attractions and information boards, both outside and inside the park (all current instructions take precedence over general instructions) and all instructions and orders of aqua park’s staff.
  • The visitor who, after the warning, still does not comply with the provisions of this Ordinance and does not otherwise follows the instructions and orders of the staff of the park, may be removed from the park without the right for entrance ticket refund.
  • The staff of the park is authorized to seek the assistance of the police and security officers at any justified cause and case.
  • Each visitor is obliged to fully compensate for any loss or damage caused towards the equipment of the park, to include the property of other visitors.
  • The Management reserves the right to correct and adjust the working hours of the park due to unforeseen weather conditions (rain, storm, winds, darkness, fog, reduced visibility etc.) and/or technical reasons. Furthermore, the Management can, based upon own assessment; reduce the use of some attractions without the obligations to refund or any other way of compensation.
  • Certain premises of the park are under the video surveillance with the sole aim to protect one’s own property and prevent any possible criminal activity.
  • The Management does not recommend bringing any valuables and larger amounts of money into the aquapark. Should the visitor decide to do so, the Management offers the possibility to use the security lockers, however, without any obligations to guard them or compensate for any loss or eventual disappearance.

         The visitor bears full responsibility for securing the lockers with personal belongings and the

          Management has no responsibility for any loss or theft.

          The locker remaining locked after the working hours will be opened by the aquapark’s staff while

          the content will be treated as abandoned property.

  • The visitor has the opportunity to park their vehicle at the designated area and at own risk. The Management is not responsible for any theft, damage or items left inside the vehicle.

Opening hours and entrance to the aquapark

  • The working hours of the aquapark are daily from 10:00 to 18:00
  • Entrance to the aquapark is allowed only during the working hours and with valid purchased ticket. Ticket purchase and entry is possible no later than one hour prior to closing) which is valid for one day and allows one single entry to the aquapark.
  • Children under the age of 14 are allowed to enter the aquapark only if accompanied by a parent or a person over the age of 18, at their own risk.
  • Visitors who are not able to move, dress or undress on their own, shower or go through the hygiene barrier to disinfect feet without the help of another person, as well as people with physical or mental disabilities are allowed to enter the aquapark only if accompanied by an adult.
  • Pregnant women, people with heart disorders, as well as people suffering from any back and spine issues are not recommended to use the pool and the slides or other water attractions of the aquapark; should they decide to do so, it is at their own risk.
  • The Management may temporarily suspend the entry of the visitor to the aquapark in situations when the capacity of the park is full and also prohibit the entry to any person disturbing other visitors, disrupting the work of the aquapark staff or violating the provision of this Ordinance.

The Management may prohibit the entry in the following circumstances:

  1. Persons suffering from any infectious diseases (in case of doubt, visitors may be required to present a doctor’s certificate), persons with any open wounds, skin problems; e.g. skin rashes, peelings, parasites, person suffering from any condition that may endanger other visitors, for example people with fever, cough, corneal inflammation, persons with infectious or nauseating diseases, persons with visible bandages or persons wearing dirty clothes.
  2. Persons with intention to use the premises of the aquapark for commercial purposes without the written approval of the Management.
  3. Persons under the influence of alcohol, drug or other intoxicants.
  • Visitors are allowed to enter the aquapark with the dog, as long as the dog is left in a specially designed dog boxes (with the written consent of the dog owner) at the separate part of the park. Additional fee plies, reservations are not possible. The number of available boxes is limited and acceptance of the animals can be conducted for as long as there are free boxes.
  • Deck chairs and umbrellas are available for visitors at additional cost. One set contains 2 deck hairs and one umbrella, Family gazebo (arbor with table and benches for max 8 people and Sun bed gazebo for ma 2 persons. Reservations and advance bookings are not possible.
  • Visitors have the opportunity to use the “Cashless bracelet for non-cash payments within the park,

       with the obligation to return the bracelet for which a deposit is charged. The unused amount is

       returned to the visitor upon the return of the bracelet.

Important information on the pool and slide usage

  • When using the pools, visitor must be wearing a clean bathing suit (bathing is allowed in bathing suit only, while children up to 3 years of age are allowed waterproof diapers) and are obliged to use a shower cabin as well as to go through a hygiene barrier.
  • The visitors may dress and undress in designated areas only; dressing rooms or outdoor changing rooms.
  • it is forbidden to bring into the aquapark any electrical appliances as well as any glass packaging or any other glass items (cups, bottles) into the areas net to the pools.
  • Non-swimmers are not allowed in the wave pool.
  • Non swimmers can bathe in designated non-swimmer pools (or parts of the pools) only at their own risk and accompanied by an adult swimmer.
  • Each visitor is obliged to follow the instructions for sliding, use the prescribed passages and entrances to the slides, follow other information and warnings, to include the instructions from the aqua park’s staff regarding the use of slides and use of other attractions with the extreme caution.
  • For the safety of all visitors, the capacity of all attractions in the aquapark is limited by the instructions of their suppliers.
  • The Management does not guarantee the use of all attractions and unlimited number of times without waiting time for their use.
  • Only one visitor is allowed to go down the slide at the time and only after receiving the signal from the aqua park’s staff or respecting the green light at the slide’s traffic lights. The visitor is obliged to check the position in which the descent is allowed before leaving each attraction and exit the pool as soon as possible to avoid any collision or injury possibility.
  • The maximum allowed weight of the slide user is 150 kg.
  • The possibilities of using the attractions and slides for children are clearly indicated on the information boards on each individual attraction and slide and these restrictions must be strictly adhered to.
  • If the visitor wears glasses, they must be fixed with a rubber band in order to avoid their breakage or injury to the user of the attraction.
  • In order to avoid any possible injury when descending the slide, it is prohibited to carry any item made of metal, wood, glass or plastic. The failure to comply with this provision may result in the user’s full compensation of any damage caused.

Prohibitions the visitors are obliged to abide:

  • At the premises of the aquapark it is explicitly forbidden:

a) bringing in alcoholic beverages (aqua park’s staff holds the right to check the contents of the visitor’s bags upon the entrance to the park), glass or metal packaging

b) enter the areas not intended for visitors, locker rooms and showers of the opposite sex, and entry the parts of the aquapark which are marked for safety of technical reasons

c) diving in the pool if it is not under the control of lifeguards or organized diving courses under the control of the authorized diving instructors

d) carry into the pool any items that are not intended for swimming and bathing only, including the fins and diving equipment unless The Management determined otherwise

e) jump into the pool, shout (whether it is a game or not), whistle, make unnecessary noise, run on the tracks (high risk of injury due to the slipping), jump from slides or other risky places, dive into each other, physically harass other visitors, rescuers and employees of the aquapark and violate the safety of other users in any way. Mutual pushing, pushing, throwing into the water, jumping and mutual physical contact between two or more people may result in responsibility of all participants for all injuries and/or damage caused

f) spit on the floor and in the water, urinate in the pool, throw garbage and pollute the aquapark area in any way

g) smoking of cigarettes, pipes etc. Is strictly forbidden in all aqua parks’ premises as well as entrance building and any closed area of the aquapark

h) unauthorized use of rescue equipment and first aid items, fire extinguishers, or any other aqua park’s emergency equipment

i) voluntarily cause damage, relocate, soil, change or remove any equipment, chairs, deck chairs, markings or other aqua park’s inventory

j) carry sharp or glass items and other glass items that can break and cause injuries to the visitor

k) consumption of food and beverages in the pool or any other area not intended for food consumption. In cases of violation of this provision, The Management has the right to immediately remove the visitor from the aquapark’ premises without a refund for the entrance ticket

l) photography or filming of the visitors or groups of visitors without their consent or consent of The Management and in accordance with the GDPR rules

m) for safety reasons, it is forbidden to use the slides wearing any jewelry (rings, necklaces, chains, glasses, watches etc) or swimsuits with zippers, rivets, buckles or straps.

n) carrying and using of weapons of any kind

o) bathing area behavior contrary to the provisions and regulations of this Ordinance

p) use of any hygiene products in aquapark pools

r) use of whistles or similar devices/sound signal devices which may interfere with the work of rescue and other professional services within the aquapark

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